Apprentice-watch LIVE! 20/10/2010

Greetings all and welcome to MOMM's first ever live Apprentice-watch blog. I'm going to be posting my thoughts on the show in the comments box as events unfurl, so tune in at 9 o clock this evening!


  1. Well the show's about to begin, I've got my drink at the ready, snacks a plenty, and one eye on the result from Spurs v Inter on ITV. Are we going to see the girls return triumphant after an awful performance last week?

  2. Thirty seconds of Waterloo Road in and I'm already questioning my sanity. Oh, and wasn't the blonde lady in Coronation Street once upon a time?

  3. T minus five seconds! I should say I'm watching this in HD, never has Alan Sugar looked so chiselled / aged

  4. Wonder if there has ever been anyone in the history of business who has described themselves as 'Steady Eddie'? Can't have lasted that long if I haven't heard about them

  5. Altogether now... YOU'RE FIRED!

  6. Well done Stella last week for organising the men into an outfit that was actually capable of winning, but really both teams have a lot to prove. That book-eeze was definitely the worst invention since the underwater shower though

  7. Those are some posh pyjamas to be wearing at 6:30 am. Do you think he knew Alan would be calling?

  8. Wow, they're actually creating bullshit BEFORE the task begins. Speaking hampers? Save it for the boardroom guys

  9. Who let Gerard Butler enter this year?

  10. A million tv critics have just begun thinking of flour related pun headlines. Can't help but feel this is a little derivative of the first week's task; isn't this a little soon to be repeating ourselves?

  11. Annie Lennox appears to have a lot of bags, of which flour is definitely one of them

  12. So Melissa and Shibby are team captains this week. Melissa has been building up for a break-down the last two weeks, and I can never trust a tv doctor, so it could go either way at this early stage

  13. TEN MINUTES! That's how long it took for someone to use the phrase 'outside the box', and it was said by Melissa

  14. I would make a giant loaf of Lord Sugar's head, so that as it went into the oven I could say 'You're fired!'

  15. Melissa's team is yet to make a decision on their baked good. Stuart is getting flustered, and may spontaneously combust at any momnet

  16. I want to know more about his passion for baked goods. Does he want a dalliance with a danish? A flirt with a floury bun? I don't want to know how he'd treat a baguette

  17. And already Melissa's team have flummoxed their pitch. Surely as business people they have a basic understanding of price?

  18. The Heat Magazine journalist in me just got a little over-excited at that rather unflattering shot of Karren Brady.

  19. Did he really just say 'Shibby's Angels?' Let's just hope they don't turn out to be a bunch of Charlies.

  20. Sandeesh feels that being asked to bake croissants is the most ridiculous idea she's ever heard. Clearly she's never met the crazy tramp who used to live in Wolverhampton City Centre...

  21. MOVIE SOUNDTRACK ALERT! Something from Danny Elfman, either Batman or Edward Scissorhands, as team Shibby have a telephone conference

  22. Melissa's team are failing HUGELY in their attention to detail during their sales pitches. If they fail that's going to clearly be bought up in the boardroom. On the plus side, Joanna has been far more subdued than she was last week, although you can't help but think that a bit of a challenge may have been necessary here...

  23. Paloma is promising a high-class hotel an order of 400 - 600 rolls, when their initial pitch was 100. Shibby is withering, though I can't help but feel that Paloma is covering her back by putting the decision squarely in Shibby's lap.

  24. Ex-marine, turned financial advisor? What a career change; one job a dangerous exercise in ruthlessness and tactics, the other being a marine (boom boom)

  25. Christopher has impressed advisor Nick with his running of the bakery, and they are doing miles better than the opposite team where Shibby and Sandeesh have a weird 'I hate you, but I may kiss you at any moment' style vibe going on, though that may be more to do with Sandeesh's incredibly piercing eyes...

  26. Shibby's turned up to a client expecting over a 1000 rolls, with 16, and has the cheek to make a joke about going on the Atkin's diet. However, after his jumper, it's only the second most offensive decision he's made this evening

  27. After a wonky start, it seems that Stuart has finally found his true calling... as a cockney market stand operator. Whether Alan Sugar's willing to pay a six figure salary for a market man is another question...

  28. Just... what IS that jumper all about?!?

  29. It seems that Shibby's team are left with an awful lot of unsold stock, while Melissa's crew are on their final few crates. Both sides have made big mistakes, but I'd have to guess that Melissa may have edged it this week...

  30. And now it's time for the boardroom... and not to be immature but I think Nick just broke wind

  31. Melissa and Alex are arguing before the result has even been announced. Ding ding, round one Melissa

  32. Yeesh, 'a good effort' is Chris' opinion of Dr Shibby's team manager effort. Either way the team manager's are going to have a lot to explain on their losing team.

  33. Aaaaaaand the losers are.... APOLLO! Shibby is going to have explain himself, though I feel Sandeesh is going to face a lot of abuse over her generally negative attitude

  34. Eastern dining and dancers for the winners, though I would imagine Alex will be too worried about waking up to find Melissa holding a knife over his head to enjoy the prize

  35. I wonder if the owners of the losers cafe ever get annoyed at all these business people turning up each week and never buying any food.

  36. I think Stuart just became a man when that Eastern dancer walked out. Alex is doing his best to look into the eyes of his private dancer

  37. Just realised that Raleigh hasn't been seen since the first episode, and a quick scan of the BBC's website shows that he had to leave the show early due to his brother being critically injured in Afghanistan. Sad news from someone with a memorably funny line in 'it was shameful'

  38. Shibby is wheeling out how he will learn his lesson, always the last defence of the condemned man.

  39. Is it cynical that the most attractive member, Liz, sold the most rolls?

  40. Truly dreadful doctoring metaphor from Alan Sugar there. Do we think he writes these, or is there some unfortunate intern at the BBC who passes him pieces of paper?

  41. Sandeesh doesn't do much for Nick, apparently. More of a Stella fan?

  42. So Sandeesh wants to help Alan Sugar reach world domination? I feel a spin-off tv show following their efforts would be tv gold, especially with Nick appearing occasionally as 'the silver desperado'

  43. YOU'RE FIRED! Bye bye Dr Shibby, a fairly straightforward choice given his poor performance and generally poor attitude. Sandeesh lives to be project manager another day. Paloma leaves with her ego slightly checked over accusations that she looks down on the other contestants.

  44. Alex truly has a voice designed for lulling truck drivers to sleep on late night radio. Joanna's, conversely, is guaranteed to bring them out of it.

  45. That's it for tonight's blog! Next week: futuristic inventions, with Stuart going a bit David Brent apparently.

    See you next Wednesday folks, where my fingers will have recovered for another liveblog


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