Hello interweb!
If you are reading this then you are either one of my friends that has clicked a link from another website, or an unwitting blog viewer who has stumbled across this little chunk of cyber-space that I hope to populate with my writings and other bits and pieces over the coming weeks / months / years / millennia (immortality permitting). Either way congratulations, and thank you for the effort.
So what can you expect? Well to be honest I haven’t really decided yet. There will be reviews of films, games, tv etc, but I hope to get some original articles up on here too. I’d like to have some piece of wisdom to impart each day, but wisdom does go spare in these areas occasionally so we will have to see how that one pans out. Plus it's all quite basic at the moment, that should change as I get to grips with making things look a bit more professional.
All of this is a part of a concerted effort to start writing more again, so there will be ramblings, there will be tantrums, and from time to time I may have to talk about Star Wars. So as a means of rounding off this opening statement, I leave you with this piece of wisdom taken from Saturday night tv:
‘The way I see it every life is a pile of good things and bad things... the good things don’t always soften the badness, but vice versa the bad things don’t necessarily soften the good’
Matt Smith as Doctor Who
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